Featured product: PIP (3:1) and TIPPP

Phenol isopropylated phosphate, otherwise known as PIP (3: 1) is used as a flame retardant, plasticizer, and additive in electronics and automobiles, among other applications. PIP (3: 1) is produced by isopropylation of trisphenyl phosphate. Trisisopropylated trisphenyl phosphate is referred to as TIPPP (Trisisopropyltrisphenyl phosphate).


The compound was banned for processing and distribution by the US Environmental Agency (EPA) in January 2021. Despite its persistent, bio accumulative and toxic (PBT) properties, the EPA will not enforce the ban on PIP (3: 1) until October 31 , 2024.


The justification was «to ensure that supply chains are not disrupted for key consumer and commercial goods». This followed concerns raised by importers, distributors, and retailers that it may take several years to fill the gap.


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